Tuesday, 1 July 2008

That's just the way the cookie crumbles...

terjaga dari lena. nyenyak yang panjang. out from Dream Land. more like Nightmare Land i felt.


semalam. semua yang terjadi so surreal. berlaku juga. mahu atau tak mahu. my spirit went away from my body. aku dapat lihat the whole room - aku, the doctor, the secretary.


shit happens. life is as such. ada menang, ada kalah. ada yang bangkit, ada yang tersungkur. hidup macam roda? there's ups and downs? i was down. on the ground. in a pile of shit.


well... you can never grieve for too long, can't you? bukannya akhir dunia. ini semua ujian dari-Nya. of course it feels shitty. tapi siapa untuk dipersalahkan kalau bukan diri sendiri?


***** *** ***** *** ***** *** *****

Yup. That happened 10 days ago. Aku gagal. Kecundang di medan tempur akhir aku. Kegagalan terbesar sepanjang hidup menimba ilmuku. Tapi diberi juga peluang kedua. Cuma sedikit hampa. Lihat yang lain hujung minggu ini menaiki pentas di dewan besar itu. Celebrated. Diserahkan gulungan masa depan mereka. Tahniah buat mereka. Takziah untuk aku.

Tapi tak usah risau. I fall hard, I bounce back harder. To begin with, life needs some tuning first. Rancangan - big ones have to wait another year (sila rujuk "It ends. It starts. Again.").

I think I need to get myself a wife. Or at least a girl. Here. For now. Sort me out. Please?


As for now... Aku mahu enjoy life! Mak dan Nenek tiba dari Malaysia. We'll go to the graduation, tapi maaf tak meraikan aku yang seorang ini. Kita nikmati saja bumi Great Britain ini.

Oh, juga The Benelux seterusnya!


Anonymous said...

"I want to know if you can live with failure yours and mine and still stand at the edge of the lake
and shout to the silver of the full moon, YES!!!"


pi es: If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again... enjoy your journey :)

j z . z said...

thats life ma bro.

kip on muvin.

searchin for a wife?..


j z . z said...

ada banyak nak share ngan kamu.

mish yu.

i change my poyo blog addres.

pape kontek ai oke.

take care.

mish yu
